We wanted to take the opportunity of this Thanksgiving week to thank our subscribers here and those who so generously donate to our ongoing reporting.
Donations go toward paying for the website, the production of our yearly zine, paying street reporters who were formerly unhoused, and talented local graphic designers to help with our visuals. If we get enough money on this upcoming Giving Tuesday we’d like to have a bit of money to be able to pay local musicians to do a score for a documentary we are working on about local food justice programs.
Our initiative has always been to shine a light on the volunteers, the workers, the small business owners, the food growers, the up and coming artists and the regulars doing good in the community, while also exposing darker corners of abuse.
We like to counter the narrative that unbridled growth is unquestionably positive with multiple stories recently highlighting those left behind when existing motels or subsidized housing get shut down, through no fault of their own, so that we can better connect and understand each other. We also have stories about the unhoused, both living and suddenly dead, so that they matter, whatever their trauma.
Our own reporting tries to promote a kinder, gentler, greener, safer, more caring collective future, not driven purely by profit, cliquish connections and power, but income agnostic community character, culture, grit and soul.