Our Town Reno Newsletter
Our Town Reno
Forced Evacuees of California's Caldor Fire Cross Over into Nevada

Forced Evacuees of California's Caldor Fire Cross Over into Nevada

In this bonus episode, we look into the plight of evacuees from the Caldor Fire on the California Nevada border. Despite efforts by firefighters, hundreds of homes have already been destroyed. Reporter Richard Bednarski catches up with evacuees now staying at the Reno Sparks Convention Center amid this climate change crisis we are experiencing full on right now, from bad air quality for those around the fires, to those losing homes destroyed by the rampaging flames.

Our Town Reno Newsletter
Our Town Reno
With audio postcards from the streets, and inspiring interviews with community activists, we address issues of homelessness, the disappearance of public space, gentrification and the value of helping each other out from our base in Reno, Nevada. We do live reporting, micro storytelling and spoken word. As we face an affordable housing crisis, what happens to our most vulnerable?