Our Town Reno Newsletter
Our Town Reno
Michael Carson, from Facebook Lives During Sweeps to River Cleanups and a Garage Pantry

Michael Carson, from Facebook Lives During Sweeps to River Cleanups and a Garage Pantry

Michael Carson said he had a turnaround in 2020, with the pandemic and the murder of George Floyd. Seeking guidance from mentors, he is now taking it upon himself to help create a better world, including in northern Nevada. If there’s a sweep going on, he tries to be on the scene doing a Facebook live, to show the community what’s happening. He’s also organized community cleanups along the Truckee River and started a food pantry on his front porch. Our reporter for this episode is Richard Bednarski.

Our Town Reno Newsletter
Our Town Reno
With audio postcards from the streets, and inspiring interviews with community activists, we address issues of homelessness, the disappearance of public space, gentrification and the value of helping each other out from our base in Reno, Nevada. We do live reporting, micro storytelling and spoken word. As we face an affordable housing crisis, what happens to our most vulnerable?