The only issue the council was concerned about with the appeal was the ruling by the judge that voiced an odd interpretation of the Council's legislative authority. Several members explicitly stated they really do not care nor think the city has a vested interested in "fighting about signs" but the portion of the ruling that would limit the Council's ability to sign things like future PUDs and the like, they want re-argued.

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Excellent recap, thanks for doing that.

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Reno is totally becoming a company town. Shuttles are running to USA Parkway from multiple locations in the area. Naomi Irion was kidnapped in Fernley at 5:30a waiting for the “ company bus”sexually assaulted, murdered. City of Reno Planning Commission has finally put on record they purposefully decided North Valleys should be a warehouse hub. And the subsequent apartment building has followed suit. City of Reno has allowed a wall of concrete along 580 S for warehouses. And the cheap rush construction of apartments. SMH SMH SMH

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